Upcoming markets

Why not come and see me and my stall in real life for a chance to buy unseen Dead Good Delights, see my other artworks, including my taxidermy dioramas, have a good old chinwag and try some of my pieces on for size. 

Leeds Alternative Market Kirkgate market/Saturday 15th March/ 10-4pm

Stockport Alternative Market  'The Dusk market' Saturday 22nd March/ 3pm-8pm 

The Dark Arts Market Nottingham/29-30th March/ 12-5pm BOTH DAYS

Black Philip's Black market York medical society/ 6th April/ 10-4pm

Satanic Flea Market/Angel/ London/ Apr13th/12-6pm

North Wales Macabre Market / Rhyl Town Hall / Saturday 3rd May / 11-4pm

beatherder.co.uk 17-20th July- Nicola Hebson's Curiosity Shop ( Thats me-Dead Good Jewellery, come and see my full shop which is a wooden shack on the street that opens once a year at this bonkers festival ive been trading at since 2014)

Bloodstock festival TBA

& Many more to be confirmed & announced !

Want to see me trade in your event or city? get in touch!